Setting Realistic Resolutions

We often feel very motivated by the prospect of heading into a New Year. This can make us set well intentioned, but unattainable goals. Don’t fall into that trap this year by keeping these tips in mind when setting your resolutions.

1. Keep your goals small- Think of this like climbing a long set of stairs. This will be easier with short, evenly spaced steps. It will be a breeze to make it to the top one step at a time. If instead these are very large stairs that you almost have to jump up to get to the next one, you will be exhausted after the first few steps and might never make it to the top. Think of your goals in this way. Instead of saying “I am going to lose 40 pounds by running every day and never eating sugar again” try for a smaller goal of “I am going to only eat dessert 3 times a week and eat more fruits and vegetables”. Smaller steps might take longer, but they will help with actually achieving your goals!

2. Don’t fall for trends- This time of year diet trends are everywhere! Cleanses, fat burner powders, meal replacement kits, extreme restriction… Don’t fall for it! These are all trends for a reason, because the aren’t sustainable. Set your resolutions around realistic and sustainable goals instead. Choose a minor lifestyle change instead. Maybe you are going to incorporate meatless Mondays, add protein to your snacks, or start taking the stairs instead of the elevator. These changes seem small, but incorporating these type of goals one at a time will have a more significant impact than making large changes you can’t stick to in the long term.

3. Don’t get discouraged- If you fall short of your goals, that’s ok! Nobody is perfect and behavior change is hard! When you are tempted to throw in the towel, assess why you aren’t meeting your goals and modify them. It is ok to modify goals that aren’t being met or no longer serve you. Life is constantly changing, so if you aren’t meeting your goals consistently figure out what is wrong with the goal and change it to allow for the inevitable gray areas of life.

If you are still feeling stuck and drawn to some of the nutrition fads that you know aren’t healthy or sustainable feel free to reach out for expert advice and meet with a Registered Dietitian!

Elizabeth McNear