


All of our 1-1 coaching programs can be completed via phone, video, or in person (depending on location), and include a plan tailored to you.

Our first consult will include an evaluation of your current diet and allows you and your dietitian to establish how your nutrition will progress. This will include short-term goals, a long-term goal, and nutrition resources to help you reach these goals.


Presentations & Clinics

Whether it is a team talk, staff wellness presentation, or national conference we are here for you! Available for presentations virtually or in person (depending on location), check out our suggested topics list or pick one of your own!


Corporate Wellness

Learn how to create a culture of health and happiness within your workforce through a corporate wellness program. This type of program can greatly benefit your company by improving health and productivity of your employees while decreasing health care costs.

These services can be customized to meet your unique needs. Services may include lunch and learn workshops, worksite interventions, consultation on company provided food and meals, and one on one consulting services as a benefit to employees.


Past & Current Clients