Nutrition Coaching


What to expect…

There is no quick fix for a healthier lifestyle, which is why we encourage consistent follow-ups to support meeting your nutrition goals. Nutrition follow up is flexible and can be scheduled weekly, monthly, or as needed.

  • All of our 1-1 coaching programs can be completed via phone, video, or in person (location dependent), and include a plan tailored to you.

  • If you live in the Denver area, appointments may be made in person.

  • Our first consult will include an evaluation of your current diet and allows you and your dietitian to establish how your nutrition will progress.

  • You’ll leave our initial consult with individualized short-term goals, a long-term goal, and resources to help you take steps towards reaching both.

  • Your dietitian will be reaching out periodically to check in on progress and keep you on track with meeting your goals between appointments.


Sports Nutrition

Whether you are in high school, college, the pros, or transitioning to a life after sport at any level, tailoring your nutrition is going to pay a big role in your success! Performance nutrition is so much more than counting macros and following cookie-cutter meal plans.

Common areas needing to be addressed:

  • Body composition changes and weight goals

  • Injury prevention and recovery

  • Hydration

  • Sleep

  • Supplements

  • Nutritional needs and meal timing

  • Eating on the road

  • Game day/tournament fueling

  • Vegetarian/vegan athletes

  • Nutrition periodization

Having such a vast experience across different sport levels, Elizabeth’s methods have proven success. She has worked with high school athletes who have since been top collegiate prospects; college athletes who have continued on to compete in the Olympics and professional sports; athletes in the NFL, MLB, and NHL, and endurance athletes of all levels.


General Wellness

Set that fad diet aside and let us help design a wellness program that will allow you to achieve long-lasting results! This program isn’t just limited to athletes, anyone of any activity level can benefit from the nutrition education provided in this program. Our system focuses on an all foods fit approach and provides education for living a healthier lifestyle. Each nutrition coaching program is individualized to you and your goals.

Common topics addressed include:

  • Weight management

  • General fueling guidelines

  • Hydration

  • Cooking instruction, menu planning, and recipe modification to fit goals or medical needs

  • Restaurant ordering and grocery shopping guidelines

  • Body image


Presentations & Publications

We are available to present to a variety of audiences in a variety of formats. While we specialize in nutrition for sports performance, transitioning out of the athletic field, and intuitive eating, we are also open to the topics you are interested in learning more about. We have provided a variety of suggested topics for your sports team, corporation, community group, or conference.

We are available for large or high-profile in-person events anywhere, and for smaller groups in the Denver area.

Suggested Topics List:

  • Nutrition Basics: Understanding General Nutrition for a Healthier Life

  • General Sports Nutrition

  • Sports Nutrition Timing

  • Nutrition for Healthy Weight Gain

  • Nutrition for Injury Prevention

  • Ergogenic Aids/Supplements


Corporate Wellness

Learn how to create a culture of health and happiness within your workforce through a corporate wellness program. This type of program can greatly benefit your company by improving health and productivity of your employees while decreasing health care costs.

These services can be customized to meet your unique needs. Services may include:

  • Lunch and learn workshops

  • Worksite interventions

  • Consultation on company provided food and meals

  • One-on-one consulting services as a benefit to employees