What Is Your Risk?

What Is Your Risk?

Cardiovascular risk

Research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 67th Annual Scientific Session says that Football players show structural changes in the heart, and may increase your risk of heart rhythm disorders later in life. Further information can be found at: https://www.acc.org/about-acc/press-releases/2018/02/26/14/58/football-associated-with-heart-changes-increased-cardiovascular-risk

The Center for Disease Control also compiled information on heart effects in the NFL, and found players who had a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more during their playing years had twice the risk of death from heart disease compared to other players. Typically this includes defensive linemen, which had a 42% higher risk of death from heart disease compared to men in the general population.

They also found that African American players had a 69% higher risk of death from heart disease compared to Caucasian players. They are not sure what caused this difference. In general, African Americans have been found to have a higher risk of heart disease compared to Caucasians. Further information can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/pgms/worknotify/pdfs/Appendix_E_NFL_Notification_FINAL-508.pdf

Hypertension & Diabetes Risk

Many former NFL players are revealing a condition appeared to be linked with hypertension, or high blood pressure- a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Former players with a severely enlarged left side of their heart (LVH) had significantly higher blood pressure than those with “normal” sized hearts. Those former players with hypertension were also 1.5 times more likely to have LVH than those without hypertension. The likelihood of having this condition tracks closely with the player’s position- linemen, fullbacks, running backs, linebackers, quarterbacks, and tight ends. The condition was least prevalent among players in skill and speed-based positions such as cornerbacks, safeties, wide receivers, returners, kickers, and punters. https://www.futurity.org/former-nfl-players-hearts-2003282/

Find Some Solutions…

Find Some Solutions…

Reduce pain and get clarity

Anti-inflammatory diets are key to reducing daily aches and pain. Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, & polyphenols from foods such as salmon, walnuts, tart cherry juice, and red wine can significantly reduce pain and improve sleep. Here is just some of what the research says:





Talk with Sarah about how these can best fit into your diet for fast results!

Happiness inside and out

Carbohydrates throughout the day are needed for mood, pain, and sleep regulation. Unfortunately, high quality carbohydrates are often neglected with typical dieting for weight control, which could lead to undue stress and emotional frustration. More often, people reach for large amounts of sugar for mental happiness, when in actuality it’s the last thing their body’s need! Sarah can help you choose the right types of carbohydrates and sugars for mental clarity and happiness.


